The Story of ChemoCareKits

In the depths of Covid, September 2020, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was shaken to my core to learn that I had two tumors “aggressively” growing inside me. I felt like my own body was betraying me.

The journey was/is long and involved two rounds of chemo, surgery, radiation, and years of post-cancer treatment. Through it all, the only time I cried was when I learned I was going to need chemotherapy. I felt myself resisting the idea of these chemicals going into me and wreaking havoc on my boy. I tried to think of any way around it, but alas, I knew that if I wanted to give my best chance of success, I wanted to do what the doctors advised.

It was hard, but doable. Totally doable. In fact, at a certain point in the process I asked myself, why am I fighting the thing that is going to help me? I learned to fight the cancer, not the chemo.

This was the start of my discovery on how to embrace the process and make the journey as smooth as possible, and now what I share with others.

Jessica Yamas
President & Founder, ChemoCareKits, LLC

Jessica earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Bucknell University. Combining her ability to crunch numbers and her years of experience in the service industry, she then found a partner and opened Cherry Alley Café, which featured freshly roasted coffees from around the world, and a full food menu of local, fresh foods. For four years, the café brimmed with music events, book openings, local art exhibits and added a heartbeat to the small town of Lewisburg, PA. From there, she moved with her forever partner, Julian, to the Boston area, where she went on to earn her master's in business and accounting (MBA/MSA) from Northeastern University.

For the last ten years she has proudly worked in supplier diversity helping women start and grow their businesses. She currently works for Women's Business Enterprise National Council, the largest third-party certifying agency of women-owned businesses in the U.S. She has a passion for entrepreneurship and her bunnies, Peppermint & Sorrel.